a social enterprise dedicated to changing the future of our kids.

We imagine a future where no child is left behind.

“We believe we can change the trajectory of a child’s development, no matter the background, no matter the community.”

Dr Billy Garvey, developmental paediatrician and founder of Guiding Growing Minds

We want to bring the science of child development and mental health to the real world, so that all children have the best opportunity to reach their potential and succeed in living rich and meaningful lives.

What We Do

We share the science of child development and mental health with those who support children in their journey.

  • Community Education

    We visit communities to listen to their stories and learn together how to best support the children they guide.

  • Corporate Wellbeing

    We partner with your organisation to elevate the wellbeing of your team and that of the broader community. 

  • Professional Development

    We deliver workshops to help guide professionals who support children with developmental and mental health concerns.

Pop Culture Parenting

This podcast is about finding the sweet spot between the textbooks and real life when it comes to parenting. Dr Billy (a developmental paediatrician) and Nick (a developing parent) are a couple of dads having honest discussions about parenting day to day.

We'll be using iconic movies from the 80's & 90's to give context to Billy's parenting advice.

Guiding Growing Minds is all about harnessing the potential of our community to build a better world. We are very fortunate that the following organisations share their expertise and energy to ensure that our work is of the highest quality and always growing.