What We Do

We share the science of child development and mental health with those who directly support children in their journey.

Community Education

Education sessions are tailored to the needs of the group as we know each community is unique in its strengths and challenges. We aim to focus on a particular communities concerns and struggles to deliver specific, evidenced-based content followed by an open, honest and safe discussion.

Corporate Wellbeing

We are our strongest when we combine powers. Guiding Growing Minds is fortunate to have worked with some of the world’s leading organisations to improve their teams wellbeing and focus their desire to help vulnerable communities. We deliver customised sessions that guide your team in how to best support the children in their lives. Organisations will also have the option to partner with Guiding Growing Minds to support the delivery of community education to those who have the greatest difficulty in accessing support.

Professional Development

Our approach to building the capacity of professionals who work with children is informed by the published research of our team. Through the delivery of hundreds of co-designed sessions we have learnt that multi-session workshops that allow for facilitated discussion and reflection gives us all the best opportunity to strengthen our ability to guide the children and families we have the privilege of meeting in our work. 

Guiding Growing Minds is all about harnessing the potential of our community to build a better world. We are very fortunate that the following organisations share their expertise and energy to ensure that our work is of the highest quality and always growing.