Our Projects

  • Ten things I wish you knew about your child's mental health

    Every parent wants their child to have good mental health, and leading developmental paediatrician and host of the 'Pop Culture Parenting' podcast Dr Billy Garvey is here to help.

  • ABC Sunday Extra radio

    As it becomes increasingly hard to find available paediatricians, Dr Billy has consolidated a list of things he wishes parents knew about addressing these mental health issues at home.

  • Uncomfortable Conversations podcast

    What's up with kids these days? ADHD. Autism. Bullying. Toxic boys. Self-harming girls. Social media addiction. Coddled teens. Anxious parents. A lot of folks are wringing their hands about the young-un's mental health. Josh thought he'd pick the brain of one of the world's leading experts who actually works at the coalface with troubled kids.

  • Raising Children's Network webinar - school refusal

    School refusal is when children struggle to go to school. This can happen for many reasons. In this free, live webinar you’ll learn about why school refusal happens and how to help children get back to attending school regularly. You’ll also find out where and when to seek professional support.

  • The Dads and The Docs podcast

    This episode is far less about the nuts and bolts of how to be a parent as Dr Garvey guides us through the mental health side of parenting.

  • How other Dads Dad podcast (season 2)

    It’s back! The episode where Hamish tears up the HODD rule book, by going over an hour AND talking to an expert. And not just any expert, but leading behavioural paediatrician at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Dr Billy Garvey. Wild, right?

  • NOT SUPER. WOMAN. podcast

    Dr. Billy Garvey is a renowned Developmental & Behavioural Paediatrician in one of Australia’s biggest Children’s Hospitals, but he hasn’t always been on the right track. Growing up, Dr. Garvey shares with us his formative years were challenging, and how those challenges have shaped him into an adult that doesn’t believe there are bad kids, just kids in trying circumstances who need the right support.

  • Raising Children's Network webinar - tantrums

    Tantrums happen when children are overwhelmed by strong emotions. When you understand tantrums, you can manage them in the moment and sometimes even prevent them. This free, live webinar has information and tips to help you and your child with tantrums.

  • Boob to Food podcast - tantrums

    This week we welcome Dr Billy Garvey back to the podcast to share his wisdom on all things tantrums…because let’s face it,if we arent already going through it, we probably will be soon enough!

  • My New Life podcast - neurodiversity and emotional regulation

    Dr. Billy is really good at helping caregivers and children connect in those moments when stronger limits are needed. He works with a lot of neurodiverse children, and brings that adaptive lens to our conversation

  • Raising Good Humans podcast - Supporting Your Kid's Mental Health

    Stuck in the seemingly never-ending cycle of waiting lists for mental health care appointments? How can you support your kid's mental health today? Join me in conversation with Australia's foremost developmental pediatrician, Dr. Billy Garvey to discuss the essential steps caregivers can take to support their child's mental health.

  • Boob to Food podcast - screen time

    this week We welcome Dr Billy Garvey back to the podcast to share his wisdom on all things screen time and technology – spoiler alert – there is definitely no screen shaming here!

  • How other Dads Dad podcast (season 1)

    In a double rule breaking season finale, Hamish goes over his 1 hour & 3 minute episode time limit AND talks to an expert! Our special guest is Dr Billy Garvey, a Behavioural Paediatrician at the Royal Children’s Hospital (Melbourne) and leading expert on childhood development. (And he’s also a dad).

  • The Imperfects podcast - The Academy of Imperfection with Dr Billy Garvey

    Billy is one of Australia's most respected and in-demand paediatricians (child medical doctor) with a wealth of knowledge to share with you in this thought-provoking episode of The Academy of Imperfection.

  • RCH Kids Health Info podcast - tricky times with toddlers

    Toddlers and preschoolers bring so much joy and fun to family life. But there are also those times when their behaviour causes a lot of stress for everyone, whether it's in the supermarket aisle or at the dinner table!

Guiding Growing Minds is all about harnessing the potential of our community to build a better world. We are very fortunate that the following organisations share their expertise and energy to ensure that our work is of the highest quality and always growing.